ESP(iona)ge! *
BMKU: The Book *
Blog *
Taking Stock *
Cultural Cold War *
Counterculture *
Cultural Engineering *
High Priest *
Bead Game *
Psychotronics *
Beyond MKULTRA *
Aleister Crowley *
Psi Research *
Emergent Mind (JNLRMI) *
Neurotheology *
Illuminati *
SpyCoSomatix *
Atomics *
Stonewalled *
Barbwire Brain
ESP! Series *
X-posure *
Mind Control 4 Dummies
Photo 2
Mankind Research Unlimited and ESPionage
Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc. was organized to collect, study, develop
and apply extensive and proliferating data on what may be called the
"frontiers of science". This data has come into being as a result of the
cross-fertiliza-tion of various scientific fields which long had little or
no direct contact with one another, and the re-examination of research areas
which were previously ignored by academe as heterodox.- This orthodoxy of
thought was also shared by many applied scientists in both industry and the
government. Consequently, the probability of achieving technological and
scientific breakthroughs by the use of innovative ideas and concepts,
however imaginative or esoteric they might be, has gradually diminished to
the point where, in certain critical areas, the United States is falling
behind existing technological state of the art in other countries of the
world, notably those in Eastern and Western Europe. Mankind Research
Unlimited hopes to reverse this trend and serve both as a catalyst for and
originator of new and creative ideas to stimulate research and technology
applications in areas beneficial to mankind.
Based on our experience in systems concept development and technological
forecasting, we feel this objective can be optimally attained through
application of system engineering principles to direct, coordinate, and
govern the activities and creative efforts of our multi-disciplinary team of
scientists and experimenters.
Evolutionary Trends in Science
During recent years a number of discernible trends in research have been
noted which point to a second Copernican era in science. While the first
era, sparked by the illustrious Polish astronomer, radically altered man's
cherished conceptions about the universe, the second gives promise of
revising man's concepts about his own nature and relationship to the
universe around him. On what may be called the "frontiers of scientific
investigation", new discoveries are being made which increasingly confirm
that man not only is a product of his own environment, both in the earthly
and cosmic sense, but that the biological effects of this environment can be
modified by the action of energies, or force-fields, either to enhance or
threaten his well-being.
The principles which have evolved from Planck's Quantum Theory and
Einstein's Theory of Relativity are leading man to realize that the material
universe is a uniform and interrelated whole, and helping man from within to
understand the purposeful organization of living structures and the
relationships between mind and matter. The astrophysicist Dr. Gustav
Stromberg, in his well- considered book, The Soul of The Universe, concludes
that the individual memory is probably indestructible and that the essence
of all living elements is probably immortal, thus tending to confirm the
existence of a World Soul or God.
The sciences of physics on the one hand, and of biology and medicine on the
other, after long and artificial separation, are now beginning to come into
close and fruitful interaction. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the
somewhat belated recognition that everything in nature possesses electrical
characteristics, and that nature has provided a delicately balanced outdoor
spectrum of electromagnetic energy for man's well-being which unfortunately
is not being duplicated indoors.3 Belated, too, has been the realization
that living organisms, man included, are as influenced by the actions of
energies or force-fields as are objects in the inanimate world. The barrier
between living and nonliving matter, so long a mystery and heretofore
impenetrable, is increasingly seen to be an artificial construct of the
Unknown Energies Postulated
It has been postulated for some time that various energies may not
necessarily be associated or correlated with those on the conventional
electromagnetic spectrum. A decade ago, a farseeing editor wrote: "The
possibility that there are one or more biological force-field potentials
constitutes the greatest challenge before the world today. Consider that-the
existence of an electro-dynamic or psychodynamic field were established with
certainty, and that the laws of its universal and its localized operations
were described and used, as are the universals of particles and atoms, of
planets and solar systems, this would mean that man could come to have the
same tranquil confidence in life as a continuum and himself as a
localization therein as does the astronaut in the fields which constitute
his special certainty.
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In addition to the relatively new concept of biological force-fields,
reference has also been made to the existence of various undefined forces in
nature which penetrate and permeate conductors as well as dielectrics, do
not attenuate according to known formulas, cannot be measured by
conventional electronic test equipment and may even have a spectrum of their
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The Human Mind as an Energy Generator
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The suspected existence of a biological or psychodynamic field, as alluded
to above, is another possibility which is rapidly converting itself into a
distinct probability, if not a fact of hard science. The actions of the
human mind -- it must be stressed, are not synonymous with the brain -- have
been taken under study by pioneer researchers, some medically trained, who
are revealing human potentials which only a few years ago were unknown and
unsus-pected. Mankind Research Unlimited is fortunate to have several of
these pioneer researchers associated with our programs.
These studies imply that the human mind has and can develop greater than
normal access to information by extending and enhancing the sensory
abilities. Through the development of these sensory abilities, however
latent they may be, beyond those of the five recognized senses, may thusly
permit man to transcend, or pass beyond the limits which contemporary
science accepts as confining.
The Mind-Body Link in Health
By means of these extended sensory perceptive abilities, man is able
positively to affect his bodily (somatic) actions in the same manner in
which the early pioneers in psychosomatic medicine believed that certain
psychological states could have a deleterious effect on the body's
functioning and status.
Not only have these positive effects of higher sensory perception begun to
be dramatically recorded, but the possibility of their being taught, and
constantly improved through autogenic feedback mechanisms, is on the
threshold of becoming a reality. The control of autonomic functions, or
those of the involuntary nervous system, have been well-documented -- a
development which places in some jeopardy the use of the term
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Ignored Historical Evidence Now Being Justified
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Although research scientists far ahead of their time have compiled
significant data about many of these phenomena for decades, their results
were often ignored or, worse, maligned by their more conservative and
orthodox colleagues. One of the important reasons for this stage of affairs
was the physicists' and biologists' mutual incomprehension of developments
in one another's fields.
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Applications requiring such understanding, and research which made trenchant
use of insights from both disciplines, were oftentimes overlooked or
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The gap between what has been considered metaphysical and what is accepted
as physical is seemingly beginning to close. More than twenty years ago a
remarkable book conjoining physical and psychic data was published, but few
of the world's scientists paid it any attention. Out of print today, this
book is now coming into repute and there are increasing demands for its
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Particle and plasma physicists, who are breaking up the smallest units of
matter into their even smaller constituents, are coming to recognize that
energy fields may be the progenitors of all that exists in the physical
world. The concepts of anti-matter and anti-gravity pose deep philosophical
questions as to the nature and reality of matter.
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Complementing the revolutionary advances and new points of view in physics,
are advances and speculations in the study of the human mind. An early
pioneer published his subjective experiences in altered states of
consciousness while under LSD. To this has been added the brilliant work of
a Czechoslovak psychiatrist [Grof] on the effects of LSD on the mind -- not the
least practical and humanitarian of which is to relieve dying patients from
their fear of the beyond. Other intrepid researchers of the mind, using
subjective and objective approaches are opening new vistas in the dark
forest of the human psyche.
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The power of psychically-gifted individuals such as the redoubtable Edgar
Cayce -- who in deep trance diagnosed the ills of, and prescribed remedies
for, thousands of hapless patients -- were long the object of distrust and
scorn on the part of official medicine. Recently they have begun to receive
serious medical scrutiny.
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Trails in research, bringing together new and startling data from physics,
biology, psychiatry, religion, etc., continue to be blazed. One milestone
was reached when the newly-formed Academy of Parapsychology and Medicine
held its first symposium in 1971 to evaluate paranormal and unorthodox
healing and seek breakthroughs which might be applied to the understanding
and treatment of illness. These means would include hypnotherapy, magnetic
healing, acu-puncture, radionics or radiesthesia, and psycho-physical
control of internal states.
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The Scientific Revolution in the USSR and Eastern Europe
Data forthcoming from research based on new attitudes toward, and concepts
for developing, human potentials does not always initially surface in well-
recognized scientific journals. Nor is it exclusively the product of
"Western" science. The Soviet Union, as well as certain countries in the
Eastern European bloc, have been active and productive in nearly all of the
above-mentioned research directions. In both connections, we may cite, for
instance, the papers published by a new British journal on a symposium on
"Psychotronics" held in Prague,Czechoslovakia, in the fall of 1970.23
Psychotronics is the Czechoslovak term for what in the United States is
called parapsychology, a discipline recently given official acceptance by
the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In the USSR the
prefered term is biocommunications. As far back as the 1920s Leonid
Vasiliev, a student of the famous Vladimir Bekhterev, founder of the Moscow
Institute for the Study of the Brain and Nervous Activity, had termed what
westerners call "telepathy", big-radio communication. Later, the
incor-poration of the word "biological" into the nomenclature for various
ESP phenomena became standard in the USSR. Milan Ryzl, a scientist who
emigrated from Czechoslovakia to the United States, has defined
biocommunications as a new branch of science concerned with the human
capability of obtaining and interpreting information from other than the
recognized "normal" senses. This science, in-Soviet usage, has two
subdivisions: bioinformation and bioenergetics. The first deals with the
means of obtaining information through the senses, and the second deals with
the energetic effects produced by humans on other matter.
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That the Soviets had been actively pursuing research in biocommunications
(parapsychology) was given wide publicity with the appearance in the summer
of 1970 of a popular book containing over 400 references citing work and
specific experiments conducted in this area by Soviet and other East
European scientists. It reveals that the USSR has more than twenty centers
for the study of biocommunications and related phenomena, with an annual
budget estimated to be over 12 million rubles ($13 million) for 1967 and as
high as 821 million for 1970
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Mankind Research Unlimited currently has available laboratory and research
facilities in various parts of the country which are used to perform
experi-mental studies and research based on data in the MRU data bank, and
for the conduct of special research and applied engineering services as may
be designated by the customer.
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- Location Specialty
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Albuquerque, N. Mex. Bioluminescence, Psychophysics, Bionics
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Bethesda, Md. Sensor Technology and Signal Processing
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Boston, Mass. Biophysics, Plasma Physics, Magnetohydrodynamics
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Los Angeles, Calif. Bioluminescence, Psychophysics Miami, Florida
Physiological, Biological Effects of Magnetic Fields, Acupuncture
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Montclair, N. J. Psychiatric Research, Bio-Feedback, BEG Analysis
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Mountain View, Advanced Sensor Technology, Cybernetics,
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Los Altos, Calif. Psycho-Acoustics, Cytology
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Paterson, N. J. Bioluminescence; Prosthetic, Therapy, and Diagnostic
Techniques; Radionics
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
State College, Pa. Biophysics, Biocybernetics, Bionics
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Washington, D. C. Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Physico-Chemistry
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Washington, D. C. Behavioral Sciences, Psycho-Technology Research,
Washington, D. C. Acoustic Technology, Psycho-Acoustics Research
Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc. has unique capabilities for collecting,
analyzing and evaluating scientific and technological data (both US and
foreign) to assist customers in determining the impact of biosensory,
biocommunication, and behavioral science applications in their area of
control, interest or responsibility.
In addition MRU has and is acquiring on a daily basis a large amount of
unique biocybernetics data from the USSR and Eastern Europe, which is
other-wise unavailable in the United States. MRU will make this unique data
avail-able for analysis and evaluation for customers with an interest in
Soviet and Eastern European biocybernetics and human engineering
state-of-the-art applications. Supplementing this data will be information
collected from sources in Western Europe including leading research centers
located in France, Germany, Switzerland, and England.
Areas where MRU is exceptionally well qualified to study or conduct
experiments are:
Validation of current scientific progress, and trends in various foreign
countries and identification of research capabilities of foreign
laboratories and experimenters.
Determination of technological state-of-the-art develop-ments and
Preparation of technological forecasts and assessments.
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Definition of systems which improve man's relationship to his environment,
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Determination of potentially beneficial health programs and innovative
medical research which highlights causal or preventive factors in human
illness and disease.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Determination and identification of specific user require-ments with respect
to new technologies and concepts in the health, education, and welfare
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Development of programs for further investigation based on the particular
users' requirements where an advanced tech-nology approach involving a
multi-disciplinary effort is involved.
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To be able to offer such a broad spectrum of research and analysis
capability to its customers, MRU has brought together many leading
scientists and experi-menters in the multi-disciplinary field of
biocommunications which includes the sciences of bionics, biophysics,
psychophysics, psychology, physiology neuropsychiatry, cybernetics and
systems engineering. This team is available to conduct research and analyses
based on the unique data available at MRU and/or that which may be made
available- by the customer. Representative problem areas that could be
studied and are fully within the capability of MRU include:
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. Man-machine cybernetic interactions
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Special sensory biophysical activities
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Bioluminescent and bioenergetic emissions
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Improvement of human performance via biofeedback techniques
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Effects of altered states of consciousness on the human psyche
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Innovative therapy/prosthetic/diagnostic techniques
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Environmental effects upon biological (human or non--human) systems.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Infrasonic and ultrasonic effects upon biological systems
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Geopathogenic factors which induce illness
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Brain and mind control.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Telepathic communications or bioinformation transceiving
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Special anesthetic techniques such as electronic anesthetic -systems and
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Development of predictive and protective measures against natural
disasters, specifically earthquakes, tornados, and hurricanes.
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Chromotherapy or music-color therapy as remedial agents to improve mental
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Healthful adjustment in ecology balance through aeroionization control
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Enhancement of the ability of the five senses to receive and transfer
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
The above list is not meant to be all-inclusive but is presented to give
some indication of the scope of MRU's capability.
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MRU is pleased to be able to offer some of the leading scientists in the
fields of biocybernetics, biophysics, bionics, biocommunications,
psychophysics, psychology, neuropsychiatry, health and welfare research,
human systems engineering, and related scientific disciplines. Nearly all of
the MRU professional staff possesses either advanced graduate degrees or
doctorate degrees. The individuals whose biographical sketches follow were
selected in order to show a broad base of complementary expertise and
linguistic ability. A number of those persons listed are highly familiar
with special aspects of research and application as it pertains to the
Western, but particularly to the Eastern world.
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Descriptive titles of the MRU researchers listed in this brochure include: ·
Advanced Diagnostic
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. Parapsychology Researcher
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Applications Researcher
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Parapsychology Scientist
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Astro-Biophysics Scientist
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Psychiatry Researcher
· Biocommunications Editor
· Psychology Researcher
. Biocommunications Researcher
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Research and Development
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Biocybernetics Researchers Manager
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Biomedical Engineer
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Research Physicist
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Bionics Researcher
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Research Psychologist
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Biophysics Researcher o Russian Technical Translator
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Clinical Psychiatrist o Russian Translator
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Electromechanical Engineer
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Senior Engineer for Advanced Technology
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Engineering Specialist
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Senior Technical Analyst
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Foreign Area Analyst
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
. Sovietologist
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· International Affairs Analyst
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Technical Analyst
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Medical-Biophysical Researcher
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Technical Writer
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
· Medical Researcher
<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <!--[endif]-->
Biographical Summaries
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Carl Schleicher, MRU Research and Development Director and specialist in
biocybernetics research, has had long experience in the analysis and
evaluation of foreign scientific developments. After graduating from the U.
S. Naval Academy (B.S. Electrical Engineering) in 1956, he served as a Naval
line officer specializing in operations research and linguistics. He
received his M.A. in political Economics from the University of Cologne,
West Germany, was engaged in advanced study at the Universities of Bonn,
West Germany and Lund, Sweden and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the
Technology of Management at American University. Before joining the staff of
SCI, he was an Operations Research Analyst and R&D Engineer at the Marine
Corps Development Center in Quantico, Virginia. His most recent work has
been the design and development of a management system for assessing R&D
projects to determine priorities, and in bionics, biocommunications, and
cybernetic software systems. Mr. Schleicher has had considerable management
experience as a result of his assignments both in the military and industry,
and has also served as a management sciences consultant.
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Dr. James C. Aller, a biomedical engineer, graduated from the U. S. Naval
Academy (B.S., Electrical Engineering, 1942) and served for 20 years as a
Naval officer and test pilot specializing in electronic warfare, missiles
and flight systems. He received the M.A. and M.E.S. degrees from Harvard
University and the D.Sc. degree from George Washington University, where he
is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical
Engineering. He formerly held the chair in Physical Science at the Naval War
College, where he was also a member of the Advanced Technology Committee.
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Experienced in the design and development of advanced medical systems and
computer technology, he is a senior member of the IEEE, a member of the
Society for Advanced Medical Systems and Editorial Advisor to
Biocharacterist. He has been a consultant to the President's Advisory
Council on Management Improvement (Health) and a Fellow in Medical Systems
Development (United States Public Health Service).
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Christopher Bird is a writer who came into the biocommunications field while
researching a biographical study of the late Dr. Wilhelm Reich. After
receiving his B.A. in Biology at Harvard University (1951) and a Certificate
in Chinese at Yale University (1950) he completed the course work for an
M.A. in Anthro-pology at the University of Hawaii (1957). He is currently a
candidate for the Ph.D. degree in Russian Area Studies at American
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After his military service, he became Washington Representative for the Rand
Development Corporation of Cleveland, Ohio, whose president, Dr. H. J. Rand,
was one of the first to undertake private negotiations with the Soviet Union
for the purchase of technical devices and information. Fluent in French and
Russian, Mr. Bird has been an editor of the Gallatin Annual of International
Business and a correspondent for Time Magazine in Yugoslavia.
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Dr. Charles R. Buffler, a research physicist, received his B.S. (1951) from
the University of Texas and his M.S. (1956) and Ph.D. (1959) from Harvard
University. After conducting experiments in spin wave analysis of
ferromagnetic resonance, he went on to study the effects of weak or
near-zero magnetic fields on humans and the theoretical aspects of microwave
interaction with various materials. He has also experimented on a possible
biomagnetic explanation for dowsing and investigated ESP phenomena. Some of
this work was in collaboration with Professor Yves Rocard, Director of the
Laboratory of Physics at the Ecole Normale Superieure, University of Paris.
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A Senior Member of the IEEE, Dr. Buffler has published articles in the
Journal of Applied Physics, the American Journal of Physics, and elsewhere.
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'Dr. Edwin Boyle, Jr., Director of Research at the Miami Heart Institute,
received his B.A. from the University of North Carolina (1943) and his M.D.
from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1945. After his
internship and residency in Philadelphia, North Carolina and Virginia, he
held a post- doctoral Fellowship at the National Heart Institute, where he
was Senior Clinical Investigator in Metabolism. He is currently a Clinical
Voluntary Assistant Professor at the School of Medicine at the University of
Miami. He has published or presented over fifty papers on lipids research
and cardio-vascular disease. In recent years he has taken up the study of
mind-body interaction which has involved laboratory investigation of
individuals possessing special sensory abilities. Dr. Boyle is a member of
the AAAS, the Aldous Huxley Foundation, the New Horizons Research Foundation
and many medical societies.
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Dr. John Carstoiu is a mathematical physicist currently engaged in research
in biophysics and bionics. He received his B.S. in Mathematics from' the
University of Bucharest, Romania, a higher degree in Civil Aeronautical
Engineering from the Ecole Superieure de l'Aeronautique in Paris, and his
D.Sc. in Mathematics ' from the University of Paris. After his arrival in
the United States in 1949 he taught and lectured at Johns Hopkins
University, Indiana University, Columbia University and Northeastern
University. After joining an electronics company in 1959, he founded his own
research corporation. - His recent research has been principally in
biophysics and bionics. He has received special recognition for his work in
electromagnetic, magnetic and gravitational fields, and in 1965 he was
awarded the "Prix des Laboratories" by the French Academy of Sciences.
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- Dr. Stanley R. Dean, a clinical psychiatrist, was graduated from the
University of Michigan Medical School (cum laude) in 1934 after which he
took psychiatric training in four hospitals in New England and New York
City. Presently, a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of
Florida College of Medicine, Gainsville, and Regional Psychiatric Consultant
for the Erickson Educational Foundation, Dr. Dean is the Founder and Vice
President of the Research in schizophrenia Endowment and co-founder of the
Stanley R. Dean International Award for Research in Schizophrenia. Dr. Dean
has published over fifty articles, the most recent of which deal with
various aspects of metapsychiatry and the ultraconscious. He is a Fellow of
the American College of Psychiatrists, the American Society for Psychical
Research, the American Psychiatric Association, the AAAS, the Royal Society
of Medicine (Great Britain) and a Diplomate of the American Board of
Psychiatry and Neurology.
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Skaidrite Maliks Fallah, foreign area analyst, was brought up and completed
her high school education in Latvia. She is competent in several European
languages. Mrs. Fallah received her B.A. (1960) from Hunter College and her
M.A. (1962) from Johns Hopkins University, both in International Relations.
She has worked as a member of the U. S. government Foreign Areas Studies
Division (FASD), where she was part of a multi-disciplinary team preparing
handbooks on Latin America. She later worked as a Senior Research Associate
in the Cultural Information Analysis Center, a division of the U. S. Army
Research Office-supported Center for Research in Social Systems (CRESS),
where she was responsible for research on a broad spectrum of subjects
pertaining not only to peoples of Asia but to domestic problems relating to
minority groups. One of her papers, published in May 1969 by the Cultural
Information Analysis Center (CINFAC) was "Research Notes on Current
Activities in Selective Fields of Parapsychology".
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Paul E. T. Jensen, engineer and mathematician, holds a B.S. degree in
Physics (1947) and a B.B.A. in Marketing (1949) from Tulane University. He
pursued further graduate work in mathematics at San Jose State College and
in psychology at the University of Virginia. After WWII service in the U. S.
Navy and Marine Corps, Mr. Jensen was an industrial representative at the U.
S. Army Proving Ground, Fort Huachuca, Arizona and later became manager of
R&D publications for the same company. In his previous work he has
specialized in the study of new technology develop-ments in the
communications-electronics fields of many countries. He has also managed the
air defense task of the Army's Electronic Warfare 1975 Study. Recently he
has been reviewing East European scientific and technical journals covering
research in neurology, psychiatry, biophysics, brain research and related
electronic measurement techniques. Currently, he is preparing an article on
research methodology in biocommunications and related fields.
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Dr. Norman Korobow, psychologist, has had 25 years' experience in
psychological research and its computer applications. He received his B.A.
and M.A. from the City University of New York (in Psychology and Biology)
and his Ph.D. from New York University (in Psychology). Dr. Korobow has been
head of an interdisciplinary team working on information control system
problems. He has accomplished neuro --psychiatric research in stress and
personality, chemotherapy and personality and developed methods for
assessing military personnel for training in advanced electronic techniques.
Mr. Korobow has taught courses in general, personnel, experimental and
industrial psychology. He is a member of the American Psychological
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Richard B. La Tondre, advanced sensor technology engineer, has attended
Jackson College, Honolulu, Long Beach State College and George Washington
University. He studied Chinese at the U. S. Army Language School in
Monterey, California, and Data Processing at an advanced government
technical center. He has worked at the Advanced Requirements Branch of the
Marine Corps Development Center in Quantico, Virginia and at other
defense-related agencies. Presently employed as a project engineer on an
advanced electromagnetic assessment study being conducted by the U. S.
government, he is primarily responsible for planning and implementing the
advanced sensor analysis effort. He has been an electronics consultant in
private industry for such state-of-the- art firms as Triangle Research
Corporation; Dideen, the Associated Designers, Inc., and the Techtran
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John E. Laurance, astro- and biophysicist and engineer, has wide training in
nuclear physics, electronics, physical chemistry, engineering and medical
sciences. Mr. Laurance received his B.S. at Whittier College, his M.S. at
the University of Southern California and did graduate work at the
University of California. He has conducted many research projects in these
fields and has carried his knowledge into the development of electronic
sensor systems relating to the paranormal. One of the pioneers in space
research, Mr. Laurance served on advisory committees of. NASA and worked as
space program manager for several corporations. He has also served as acting
chief scientist for the Office of Naval Research. In 1968, he helped to
organize Life Energies Research, Inc., a non-profit institution for the
investigation of human-energy systems and currently serves as a member of
its Board of Directors and on its Research Committee. Addition-ally, he has
made several trips to Brazil to study paranormal medical healing. Mr.
Laurance is listed in various professional directories including American
Men of Science and Who's Who in the East.
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Dr. Andrei Lobanov-Rostovsky is a retired professor of history who has spent
a lifetime avocationally studying Hindu philosophy as it relates to
parapsychology and human betterment. He received his doctorate from the
Institut des Sciences Politiques in Paris. After ten years as a
correspondent for Baring Brothers in London, he taught European, Russian and
Far Eastern history at UCLA and the University of Michigan. Author of over
40 books and articles in his specialty, Professor Lobanov- Rostovsky
continues to teach at colleges in Florida and to give lectures through-out
the U. S. in the fields of ancient philosophies, transcendental meditation,
and parapsychology. A Russian by birth, he commands several foreign
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Arthur Marcus, research psychologist, received his M.S. degree in
experimental psychology and has completed course requirements for the Ph.D.
at the University of Massachusetts. He has had thirteen years' experience in
human factors analysis,developing training programs, and field consulting
for both government and industry. He has designed many tests for the
evaluation of human potential in a variety of settings and has participated
in various projects relating to the design, development and evaluation of
information systems. Mr. Marcus has coordinated and directed experiments in
human performance including the experimental design and preparation of
apparatus and procedures, collection and analysis of data and interpretation
of results both with regard to their theoretical and to their practical
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Dr. E. Stanton Maxey is a general medical surgeon practicing in Stuart,
Florida. He received his B.S. from Wake Forest College (1946) and his
medical degree from the Bowman Gray School of Medicine (1950). After
interning at the University of Pennsylvania, he completed his surgical
residency at the C&O Hospital in Huntington, West Virginia (1951-55). He is
certified by the American Board of Surgery and is a Fellow of the American
College of Surgeons. Dr. Maxey, in addition to his surgical career, is
licensed as a commercial pilot and flight instructor and has taken out, or
is applying for, patents on inventions in electronics and aviation. He has
conducted extensive research into the human unconscious and dreams
correlating his findings with the effects of such exterior influences as
electromagnetic fields, barometric changes and the positions of the moon and
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H. Scott McCann, a technical writer and broadcast engineer, holds a B.S.
degree in English from Loyola College where he is also pursuing a master's
degree in psychology. He has ten years' experience in writing and editing
mechanical manuals and has worked in testing half lattice crystal filters
and travelling wave tube amplifier systems. As a technician for ITT Research
Institute, he worked with their Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis
Center. Recently he has worked with TV station WETA in Washington, D. C. as
the engineer responsible for operation and maintenance of equipment, conduct
of air operations and network switching. He previously was a technical
editor with Operations Research, Inc. and the Tate Technical Service.
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Dr. Stefan T. Possony, a specialist in international affairs and in
psychological strategies, came to the United States after serving as an
Advisor to the French Air Ministry and the French Foreign Office in the
early stages of WWII. He then worked as a Technical Consultant for the U. S.
Navy and was a Special Advisor to the U. S. Air Force. In 1961 Dr. Possony
became Director of the International Political Studies Program at the Hoover
Institution on War Revolution and Peace where he is currently a Senior
Fellow. He has been a visiting professor at universities in Asia and Europe.
His doctorate is from the University of Vienna.
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Dr. Milan Ryzl is an international authority in biocommunications and
para-psychology. Educated in Czechoslovakia, he was elected a member of
the -Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. After arriving in the United States
in 1967, -he worked with Dr. J. B. Rhine at the Institute of Parapsychology
in Durham, North Carolina, where he carried on original research pertaining
to the influence of hypnosis on ESP. After teaching at San Diego State
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